It seems that Dr. Morrison did want to talk about the bomb project. A lot of books have been written about the bomb project; but Dr Morrison said ‘Dr Strangelove’ was the most accurate.
I had seen the film while I was doing ‘A’ level and had recommended it to my mother when it came on T.V. My mother was disgusted. She believed it was nasty and in bad taste for Peter Sellars to make fun Dr Strangelove’s uncontrolled actions. I agree. My father used a wheel chair.
Now here, in his wheelchair, was the real life physicist who had lead the teams charging and setting the fuses of the first atomic bombs. Was he comparing himself to Dr. Strangelove? I don’t remember what I said, but it was not very much.
I now think he was probably saying that the project developed is own momentum, fueled by the enthusiasms of the participants. There was no-one to put the brakes on. Perhaps he was saying he was a chamelion character like Peter Sellars in the film. Perhaps he was saying that the whole thing was a dangerous mad farce.
I said I think of things more in terms of ‘Catch-22’. - “You are mad if you do; You are mad if you don’t”.